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About Me

Love Blossoms

My love for animals began at the age of two when my parents adopted a Dachshund named Fritzy. He and I were inseparable until his untimely death. As I grew up more dogs and cats entered my life. At one point I had a gerbil and took horse back riding lessons. I continued to always have a cat into adulthood. To this day I believe it was no coincidence that my 16 year old diabetic cat, Gandolf, needed to be euthanized due to kidney failure on the same day my divorce from my ex-husband was granted.


For two decades I lived without a pet. Instead, I spoiled my friends' pets. I house and pet sat for folks when they went away. I explored my life long fascination with ESP, psychics, intuition, energy work, past lives, and spirituality taking classes and trainings whenever I could. I became a Reiki Master. I went back to college and earned my nursing degree. I rediscovered my artistic talents. I traveled to many amazing countries. I also met the man I was going to marry ... but the universe had other plans.


                                                   Earth Angels

My fiancee died suddenly from a massive stroke. Coming home to an empty home everyday became unbearable. Remembering what it felt like to be around animals and their unconditional love, I adopted Oliver from an animal shelter. Oliver was a 7 year old tuxedo kitty. I felt an instant bond to him that I had not experienced since Fritzy and Gandolf. Oliver was exactly who I needed and I soon found myself smiling again.

When I adopted Oliver, I was told he had digestive issues, but with a special diet he seemed to be doing better. At home I gave Oliver a lot 

of animal energy work to help his digestion yet, the day came when he


became very ill. After 72 hours in an animal hospital ICU, Oliver did not get better. Deep down inside I knew what I had to do but I couldn't accept it, couldn't admit it. I reached out to an animal communicator for help and support. What did Oliver want me to do? Was he going to get better? With Oliver's input, the animal communicator helped me to find peace with my decision to euthanize Oliver and end his suffering. I brought Oliver home from the ICU and I spent his last 24 hours with him. I held him and told him I loved him as he took his last breath. To this day I believe I was Oliver's Earth angel. I gave him love, comfort, and tranquility he needed and would never get in a shelter as he transitioned. He was my Earth angel too, bringing animal communication into my life.

I was so grateful for the help I received from my animal communicator, Dianne Jackson of Animal Messengers, I enrolled in her animal communication classes to learn how to communicate with animals and help their humans. Soon I was hearing what living animals had to say when I asked them questions. I loved it! And I was fascinated with the fact that Dianne was able to hear Oliver from the other side. It warmed my heart and helped me to feel connected to him.

Twists and Turns

Fifteen months after Oliver died, I found myself to be a cancer survivor. As soon as my treatments ended and I was settled back in my own home, I adopted two bonded sister cats from a cat shelter, JuJu and Ruby. It took me two years to recover from all my treatments and surgeries, and then the pandemic hit. My two kitties have kept me sane. Their companionship brings me so much joy and I laugh every day at their antics. I can't imagine my life without them.

A New Me

I am someone who feels fulfilled when I help others, yet I knew my body could not sustain the energy I needed to continue my nursing career. As I came to peace with this, my interest in animal communication resurfaced. That's when I discovered Danielle MacKinnon's School. Danielle's classes resonated with me and I loved all the hands on training I received. It was exactly what I needed at the right time! Miss Ruby attended every Zoom class with me and off camera Ms JuJu worked on keeping my energy grounded. Now here I am ... a certified Soul Level Animal Communicator excited to help you!




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